
Transformational Breath® Seminars

Week of transformation

Saturday 14th of September 2024, 6pm until Friday 20st of September 2024, 3pm

A week of transformation.

The way we breath mirrors the way we live our lives. This seminar is a unique chance to discover how

the power of your breath can be the key to deep transformation.

When we breath more efficiently we develop resilience to stress, we boost our immune system and we

gain more physical endurance.

When cleaning our subconscious we integrate negative beliefs and experiences, allowing us to handle

our fears and negative patterns that influence our lives.

We open ourselves to express the essence of our being and become masters of our life.

Transformational Breath® is a simple technique that stimulates the natural healing process. It opens

the respiratory system which allows for better health, vital energy and return to loving oneself and


Trainer: Indalecia Rohita Ziritt,

Senior Trainer, National leader of the Transformational Breath Foundation for Italy &

Spain, she also leads trainings in France and Belgium.

Having studied and experienced for many years (Chinese Medicine, Shiatsu, Conscious

Breathing, Osho Dynamic Meditations, Vipassana, Sound & Voice Healing…), she

understands the human potential and how to work with people in her own profound,

open and joyful way.

Her mission is to support others in their personal growth and healing journey, leading

and facilitating individual and group sessions, professional trainings in a space of

unconditional love.

What’s included:

2 daily sessions of Transformational Breath®, soundhealing, the

work of Byron Katie, 5 tibetan rites, breath analysis, the abundance

program, exploration of the diaphragm and breath dance, body

mapping, water breathing session, extensive manual, fun, joy and so

much more …

Language: English, translation in Dutch and French is possible.

Place: Koningsteen, a beautiful castle, 25 min from Brussels and Mechelen

Price: 1.265 € ( Early bird 1.120 € till 2 months before the start of the course ).

Accommodation, 6 nights, food included: 590 € for a shared room, 725 € For a single room.

For more info: or 0478/227413